we killed the tax increase. you know what happened? they gave their 11 city managers a 35% pay raise the next week. how many times why do i bring that up? it ain t just pensacola. every time americans hear politicians on any level saying, you know, we ve got to spend more money, or else the world comes to an end. they just don t believe it anymore. i have a list of the national horrors that are going to occur when sequestration takes effect according to the administration released last night. look, they you get the sense they have oversold fear. people are not buying the fear. who s they ? the white house. they ve oversold fear with regard to sequestration. however you want to pronounce it. the other thing that s going on here and it s a pox on both their houses people aren t afraid of the dismantling of the economy so much as they re afraid of who are these people in washington? yeah. why can they get nothing done on anything?