Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) H5N1 remains endemic in the Western Java smallholder broiler farms. This study aims to identify farmers and farm characteristics associated with farmers’ motivations towards five different measures directed to HPAI: cleaning and disinfection (C&D), vaccination, reporting, and stamping-out with and without compensation. Through multi-stage sampling and a questionnaire, we collected data from 199 farmers in Western Java and applied descriptive analysis and logistic regression to evaluate the data. Most smallholder broiler farms had a production contract with a poultry company. Unexpectedly, we identified subtypes of price-contract (i.e., revenues based on contract selling price and live bird weight) and makloon-contract (i.e., revenues based on management fee per bird) schemes. We identified these new subtypes as extended price-contract and extended makloon-contract schemes. These extended subtypes included issues related to animal health ma
2021 NOV 19 By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at NewsRx Policy and Law Daily New research on crop insurance is the subject of a new report. According to news reporting out of the School of Business by NewsRx editors, research stated,“ In addition to premium subsidies, Indonesia’ s government implements other intervention programs as a stimulus to boost farmers’.