Minister Tito Mboweni appoints Unathi Kamlana as Commissioner of the Financial Sector Conduct Authority
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The Minister of Finance, Mr Tito Mboweni, has in terms of section 61(1), read with section 63(1) of the Financial Sector Regulation Act No. 9 of 2017 (FSR Act), appointed Mr Unathi Kamlana as Commissioner of the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA).
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Itâs difficult to know whether the lack of disclosure on the JSE contributes to the limited shorting activity on the market. Image: Shutterstock
As the dust settles and the GameStop share price plummets back towards earth it becomes evident thereâs little chance of similar drama playing out in the South African market now or any time soon.
Not that there isnât a large number of potential retail investors who wouldnât like to ‘stick it’ to powerful institutional investors. But the fact is that although South Africa is ahead of many emerging markets when it comes to short-selling, the local market is not active or robust enough to support the type of frenzied trading that saw GameStopâs share price rocket from around $40 to just below $400 in less than a week.