a shockingly the medieval warm period was removed from this graph, which became the iconic image of the panel s 2001 report. instead of a big bump in thea medieval period as there had been in the 1990 report of the ippc and then much lower temperatures ever since, they straightened out the bump and they produced a huge increase in temperature from century to century. more troubling was a finding in the ippc s first assessment report that the warming we have witnessed over the past few decades could, quote, be largely due to natural variability. the scientists who contributed to the second assessment reporto came to a similar conclusion. now the u.n. bureaucrats realized the second report came out saying there was no discernible link between humanik activities and climate change, then people would begin to say why are we paying for all these junk gettings around the world every three months. when the second report was published in 1995, all the en