Military. Learn more about veterans day through archival films, sunday at 4 00 p. M. Eastern, one 1 00 p. M. Pacific, here on American History tv. A panel of scholars discusses the impact of kenneth gibson, elected as new works first black mayor and the first black mayor of any northeastern city. They examine the impact this had on the broader Civil Rights Movement, and how gibson did and did not meet the expectations of voters. This is part of the association for the study of africanamerican life and historys annual conference. They provided the video. Mr. Blackmer good morning, everyone. Thank you for joining us for what promises to be a timely and illuminating roundtable discussion, looking back on the 50th anniversary of the struggle to elect newarks first black mayor, kenneth gibson. Elected in june 1970, since administration are to the turning point in newark and was part of a wave of black political organizing that culminated in the election of to 1974. Ors from 1967 these histo
Provided the video. Good morning, everyone and thank you for joining us for what promises to be a timely, eliminating roundtable discussion looking back on the 50th anniversary of the successful struggle to elect newarks first black mayor, kenneth gibson. Elected in june of 1917, is an 1970,stration marked his administration was part of a wave of political to 1974. Ion from 1967 his history is vital right now as black lives struggle against Police Violence against george floyd, breonna taylor, and the attempted murder of jacob blake have found a call for black liberation ball raising familiar questions about the roles of electoral politics and black freedom struggles. Electionago, gibsons came on the heels of the 1967 rebellion in newark, the Police Beating about unarmed man sparked an uprising against White Supremacy and its enforcers in blue and its enforcers in blue in the jim crow north. Racism,anizing around renewal projects, and countlessl injustice, beatings had gone unpunished
He was with a group of people, integrated group of kids who were going down to march in montgomery in 1963, 1964 and what is fascinating is that he suddenly is introduced to the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, hes introduced to the activity thats going on in the south and he becomes very active there. But whats so powerful about his story is that he goes back to law school and as hes getting ready to go to law school hes asked by tom hayden who was the head of the student for Democratic Society to come to newark, new jersey to help organize and fight for civil rights in the north. So what Junius Williams does is he goes to newark and allows us to see the Civil Rights Movement was not simply a Southern Movement and his story illuminates the challenge of nonviolence in an urban setting, the challenge of marching when there are economic considerations and projects that people are living in. Store me Junius Williams is really a great opportunity to shed the light and shift the l
Virginia for schools. So they had a big musical impact on my life. Were your parents virginians. My parents are virginians. My father is from danville, my mother is from suffolk. How old were you when you moved from suffolk to richmond. I was 5. I dont have too much independent recollection of growing up in suffolk although we went to suffolk quite often in the summer when my parents were off from Summer School working on their degrees. Where did they get their musical training. My mother went to howard university. She got a degree in Music Education and my father got the same degree from West Virginia state. He was a violinist and a singer. She was a pianist and a singer. A house full of music. House full of music. Siblings. I have several siblings. My most immediate is my brother john. I have other half brothers and sisters. So you would have been if you moved at 5 you would have done your schooling in richmond. Die. Can you talk a little bit about the community, the neighborhood, th
On in the south. He becomes active. What is powerful about his story is that he goes back to law school. As he gets ready for law school, he is asked by tom, who was the head of the student for democratic society, to come to new york, new jersey, to help organize and fight the battle for civil rights in the north. What he does is goes to newark and it allows us to see the fact that the Civil Rights Movement was not simply a seven movement. His story illuminates the challenge of nonviolence in urban settings, the challenge of market marching when there are economic considerations and projects. A greathe is really opportunity to shed and shift the light, not just a southern movement, but a Civil Rights Movement in an early setting as well. Corrected the death impact him . Did the death impact him . Remind us of the age . 1213. Emmetts death is really a cautionary tale, especially for black males who go into the deep south who are teenagers. Tale especially for black males who go into the