SPRING MILLS Some of Don “DJ” Walters Jr.’s favorite moments in scouting came at the Troop No. 4 Cabin at the Seven Mountains Scout Camp. At times, being there was almost like hanging out with an old friend. “Some of my best memories at the cabin were sleeping on the porch in sub-freezing temperatures, […]
SPRING MILLS Take a historical stroll over the Appalachian Mountains and into the territory of Kentucky this weekend during the running of the 52nd Annual Juniata Valley Council Klondike Derby. The theme is “Boone’s Trace: The Wilderness Road,” which focuses on the history of the main southern route. Last year’s Klondike Derby explored the […]
Local news from StateCollege.com and Centre County Partners. Read about Suicide Prevention Month Puts Focus on Jana Marie Foundation and 'Philosophy of Hope' Concert and more from the State College, PA region
BELLEFONTE The Bellefonte Borough Council flew through their agenda during this week’s meeting, discussing current, old and new business as well as giving