LEWISTOWN Legend has it that if you eat goose on Sept. 29th, you will ensure wealth and prosperity for the coming year. Lock in your luck by visiting the
LEWISTOWN Ed Arnold and Dee Miller certainly have a love of history. The Lewistown couple have traveled the country to visit museums about people, places or things that have piqued their interest. “Google is how we found the Amelia Earhart Museum in Kansas and the Zane Grey/National Highway Route 40 Museum in Zanesville, Ohio,” […]
LEWISTOWN Keep your eyes glued to the sky come Goose Day night. Usually seen in larger cities, the Juniata River Valley Visitors Bureau is excited to host a drone light show in Central Pennsylvania. The fully customized drone show will feature 200 illuminated, synchronized, and choreographed drones that fly into various aerial formations including […]
LEWISTOWN Legend has it that if you eat goose on Sept. 29, you will ensure wealth and prosperity for the coming year. Lock in your luck by visiting the Juniata River Valley this September for the annual Goose Day celebration. What is Goose Day? It all started in 1786 when a young Englishman named […]
LEWISTOWN – Jenna Stoner and Jessica Eaton Guyer might have thrown a birthday party for family or friends before, but the two women have never planned one for the entire country. Stoner and Guyer are part of the Pennsylvania Commission for the United States’ semi quincentennial celebration, which is commemorating the 250th anniversary of the […]