The forthcoming fantasy thriller drama unveiled new photos of Kim Hee Sun and Lee Soo Hyuk, flaunting their strong-willed personalities. Will they both fall for one another or remain as enemies forever?
#Tomorrow #KimHeeSun #LeeSooHyuk #SF9 #SF9Rowoon #Rowoon #YoonJiOn
Job-hunting SF9 Rowoon decides to end it all after a series of failures. Not until the eccentric grim reaper duo Kim Hee Sun and Yoon Ji On recruit him to work with them in the forthcoming drama “Tomorrow.”
#SF9 #SF9Rowoon #Rowoon #KimHeeSun #YoonJiOn #Tomorrow #TheBrideofBlack
South Korean actor Jung Hae-in gave it all to the black comedy series Snowdrop . The actor not just underwent rigorous physical training but also cut down on his sleeping hours.Talking about the intensity of his role and the preparation it .