SBS released new behind-the-scenes footage from the filming of “Through the Darkness”! Set in the late 1990s, “Through the Darkness” is a drama based on the story of South Korea’s first criminal profiler. Kim Nam Gil stars as Song Ha Young, a member of the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency’s Criminal Behavior Analysis team, while Jin Sun Kyu plays his
This article contains mild spoilers. After a brief break, following its first six episodes, for the Beijing Winter Olympics on South Korean broadcaster SBS' schedule, true-crime procedural Through the Darkness is back with part two of its first season. Based on Those Who Read Hearts of Evil, the memoir of Kwon Il-yong, South Korea's first criminal profiler, the show has.
SBS released new behind-the-scenes footage from the filming of “Through the Darkness”! Set in the late 1990s, “Through the Darkness” is a drama based on the story of South Korea’s first criminal profiler. Kim Nam Gil stars as Song Ha Young, a member of the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency’s Criminal Behavior Analysis team, while Jin
The halfway point of SBS’s “Through the Darkness” is already here! Set in the late 1990s, “Through the Darkness” is a drama based on the story of South Korea’s first criminal profiler. Kim Nam Gil stars as Song Ha Young, a member of the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency’s Criminal Behavior Analysis team, while Jin Sun Kyu plays his friend
Kim Nam Gil and Jin Sun Kyu will think outside the box in order to catch the killer in SBS’s “Through the Darkness”! Set in the late 1990s, “Through the Darkness” is a drama based on the story of South Korea’s first criminal profiler. Kim Nam Gil stars as Song Ha Young, a member of the Seoul