The government will focus its efforts on crowd control during the upcoming Halloween weekend, working together with local governments, police and fire departments and dispatching situation managers to densely populated areas, the Ministry of Interior and Safety said Thursday. The Ministry of Interior and Safety held a joint meeting the same day with officials from the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the National Poli.
Posted : 2021-04-22 09:14
Updated : 2021-04-22 09:14
Civic groups representing people with disabilities call for the eradication of discrimination against disabled people during a rally near the Ministry of Health and Welfare building in Sejong, Tuesday. The event was organized to mark the Day of the Disabled People in Korea which falls on April 20. Yonhap
By Lee Hyo-jin
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a severe impact on vulnerable groups in society, and exposed Korea s ill-prepared support network for the disabled population in case of national disasters and infectious disease outbreaks.
During the early stages of the pandemic, disabled people experienced limited access to face masks and COVID-19-related information due insufficient communication platforms, as well as medical services. Also, for people with severe physical disabilities, the mandatory self-isolation rule came as a challenge.