turns out she didn t have anything in hand, but she is offering something. like a lot of us have watched the americans for years, trying to figure out how russians, kgb people operate. putin is the ultimate kgb person. it looks like they re trying to entrap, if you will, engage the trump team with some russian plan to proceed with their interests. that s right. and of course when the news started coming out about that june meefgt last year, the immediate response was oh, yes, we had that meeting, but they didn t give us anything. nothing happened. in fact, all we talked about was adoption, et cetera. so now we know kind of yet again that that narrative isn t really the right one. that in fact they were actively engaged in and interested in getting dirt from the russians and were pursuing that as an active strategy for the campaign. well, what would you think if you thought sheer guy, donald trump, president of the united states. first of all, he has consistently said there was