अंक ज्योतिष का सबसे आखरी मूलांक है नौ। आप बेहद साहसी हैं। आपके स्वभाव में एक विशेष प्रकार की तीव्रता पाई जाती है। आप सही मायनों में उत्साह और साहस के प्रतीक हैं।
Publishing date: Jun 24, 2021 • 2 days ago • 3 minute read •
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Happy Father’s Day to all our Dads! It’s certainly nice to start some visiting of some of family members at home and in our senior residences too.
Congratulations to Eric and Dealia Martin on the birth of their little boy, Edward Anderson Martin, on June 5 at 8lbs, 9 oz. and to first-time grandparents Alex and Sharon Martin.
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Happy June Birthday wishes to Shirley MacDonald, Annika Rear and Dennis Bridge, Dawson Colling who is now two years old and his dad Steven, Todd Thompson, Susan Cliffe and Sheena Houghton. Hope you all had a great day!
Check below your horoscope astrology prediction as per your Rashi.
1. Today s Horoscope for Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20):
You will plan for something big in your life. You will also be a lot more enthusiastic and will have the zest and zeal to complete your work. The situation at workplace is going to be very favorable. You will make good progress in your job/business. The persons whom you will trust will stand with you in time of need. You will have good understanding with your spouse/partner. Your hands will be free in financial matters. You will spend wisely. You will also receive a good news about a relative. Domestic activities will continue as usual. Do not tell your secrets to anyone. Otherwise, people whom you trust will take advantage of your gentle nature. It can harm you in the long run.
Happy Birthday To You
जन्मदिन की शुभकामनाओं के साथ आपका स्वागत है वेबदुनिया की विशेष प्रस्तुति में। यह कॉलम नियमित रूप से उन पाठकों के व्यक्तित्व और भविष्य के बारे में जानकारी देगा जिनका उस दिनांक को जन्मदिन होगा। पेश है दिनांक 26 को जन्मे व्यक्तियों के बारे में जानकारी : 26 को जन्मे व्यक्ति धीर गंभीर, परोपकारी, कर्मठ होते हैं। दिनांक 26 को जन्मे व्यक्ति का मूलांक 8 होगा। यह ग्रह सूर्यपुत्र शनि �