nichols. we got him. two years and 44 days after the worst terrorist attack on united states soil, a verdict has been rendered in the bombing trial of timothy mcveigh. on june 2nd, 1997, timothy mcveigh is found guilty on all 11 counts of murder and conspiracy. he is sentenced to death. outside the courthouse in denver, tears, smiles, and all emotions in between. later that year, on december 24th, terry nichols is also convicted. he is currently serving life at the federal supermax prison in colorado. for cooperating, michael fortier receives a 12-year sentence. he is now part of the witness protection program. people are going to remember timothy mcveigh as a murderer. not a martyr. on june 11th, 2001, timothy mcveigh is put to death at the federal correctional complex in
even assuming others were involved. why would mcveigh so strongly insist that he acted alone with help only from nickles and fortier? he believed that in lying, he would protect the others, so they wouldn t be convicted. and he spun a series of lies to shield the others. i think it s possible that there were other people that helped along the way, but did not know they were helping with the bombing. but i believe that the only one who s actually knew what they were working on were the three men that were punished by the government. mcveigh, fortier and nickles. we got him. two years and 44 days after the worst terrorist attack on united states soil, a verdict has been rendered in the bombing trial of timothy mcveigh. on june 2nd, 1997, timothy
he believed that in lying, he would protect the others, so they wouldn t be convicted. and he spun a series of lies to shield the others. i think it s possible that there were other people that helped along the way, but did not know they were helping with the bombing. but i believe that the only one who s actually knew what they were working on were the three men that were punished by the government. mcveigh, fortier and nickles. we got him. two years and 44 days after the worst terrorist attack on united states soil, a verdict has been rendered in the bombing trial of timothy mcveigh. on june 2nd, 1997, timothy mcveigh is found guilty on all 11 counts of murder and conspiracy. he is sentenced to death.
even assumes others were involved, why would mcveigh so strongly insist that he acted alone? i believe the only ones that actually knew what they were working on were the three men that were punished by the government. mcveigh, fortier and nichols. two years and 44 days after the worst terrorist attack on united states soil, a verdict has been rendered in the bombing trial of timothy mcveigh. on june 2nd, 1997, timothy mcveigh is found guilty on all 11 counts of murder and conspiracy. he is sentenced to death. outside the courthouse in
wouldn t be convicted. and he spun a series of lies to shield the others. i think it s possible that there were other people that helped along the way, but did not know they were helping with the bombing. but i believe the only ones who actually knew what they were working on were the three men that were punished by the government mcveigh, fortier, and nichols. we ve got him! two years and 44 days after the worst terrorist attack on united states soil, a verdict has been rendered in the bombing trial of timothy mcveigh. on june 2nd, 1997, timothy mcveigh is found guilty on all 11 counts of murder and conspiracy.