some compelling d-day file footage there. you could hear the bullets whizzing by the camera. i want to show you a series of composite photos that show d-day scenes from 1944 over their present day locations. take a look at this. the first image is of village fountain in france. the overlaid image is from that day in 1944, shows soldiers standing in front of the same fountain. and this is an image from the graveyard in france. the overlaid image shows three soldiers placing flowers on civilian graves in june 1944. here present day same location in 1944. in the 1944 image, french troops receive a warm welcome as they pass through the town.
these people gave and what sacrifice really is, you know. we come all the way to visit this place. this is place of honor and you can t even get in? i do hope the politicians back in washington pull themselves together and get the problem solved quickly. reporter: again, because of this shutdown, the visitors are not able to see the graves but they are able to work their way around the cemetery and see the vast expanse of beach that was a killing field in june 1944 for some brave americans. again, we are with some veterans and they were in fact trying to plot their own invasion, off the beach up the cliff to the cemetery to pay their respects. they can t understand it. the locals we talked to can not understand it. we talked to a frenchman at a cafe, this is impossible. cemeteries are meant to stay open. by the way, jon, there is at least one cemetery open in the area, the cemetery for german soldiers killed during d-day. we understand that one tour group substituted this stop fo
of a million men in operation torch in north africa in november of 1982 and pushed sicily the whole way to italy and it wasn t until d-day in june 1944 we crossed. by that stage, we captured an awful lot of germans. the north africa campaign was more significant than stalin would have we kptured as many access forces in tunisia as was captured install in stalin grad it must have been extraordinarily difficult and costly and all that maintaining the supply line. yes. crucial to this, in north africa, you see a thousand mile long supply line and another thousand mile long one in russia. the fact was it was next to impossible to do. when adolph hitler s in