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DEAR SUN SPOTS: On Saturday, May 22, Danville Junction Grange, located at 15 Grange Street in Auburn, will be holding an outdoor yard sale from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
There will be many raffles, baked goods, jewelry, plants and lots of “treasures” for sale. There will also be a limited amount of tables for rent for $20. You may call Maynard Chapman at 312-5591 if you are interested in securing a table.
Danville Junction Grange is one of the largest granges left in the state of Maine, as many granges have had to close their doors. We have tried to maintain our hall and have had to make many repairs in recent years. Our latest project is the replacement of the roof and we need the help of the community to do this. Monetary gifts would be greatly appreciated. We hope that many of our friends and neighbors will turn out to help the sale be a success.