MUMBAI, June 2: The Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) of the Maharashtra police on Thursday arrested a man at Kishtwar in Jammu for his alleged links with Junaid Mohammed, accused of recruiting terrorists for the banned outfit Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), an official said. The ATS had arrested 28-year-old Junaid Mohammed on May 24 from Pune’s Dapodi area, following which he was remanded into the agency’s custody till June 3. He was allegedly in touch with the active members of Pakistan-based LeT’s terror network […]
The ATS arrested 28-year-old Junaid Mohammed Ata Mohammed on May 24 from Pune's Dapodi area. He was remanded in the ATS custody till June 3. He was allegedly in touch with active members of Pakistan-based LeT's terror network through social media platforms, officials had said.
Maharashtra ATS, Mumbai ATS, mumbai anti terror squad, mumbai, ats, mumbai police, jammu kashmir, sringar, Lashkar-e-Taiba, LeT militants, LeT terrorists
An initial examination of the cell phone of arrested terror suspect Junaid Mohammed Ata Mohammed has revealed that he has exchanged a large number of calls with Jammu and Kashmir based numbers. His interrogation has also revealed that he was about to leave for J&K shortly but was arrested before he could do so.