Working are downright toxic. Specifically the banks, the restaurants, and the retailers should be on fire right now. But instead they are houses on fire. And theres no letting up in the flames even as the averages rebounded hard today. After opec announced it might cut back half a Million Barrels of production in november. I think this is more of the same where they rumor the price high, which worked again, and then kind of do nothing meaningful. Nevertheless, as i have said over and over again to you, anything that drives oil higher takes stocks higher, and thats sure what happened today with the dow ultimately gaining 111 points, s p climbing. 53 percent. The linkage remains that great even as i urge you to be skeptical of any socalled deals when there is such a worldwide glut of oils. We need millions of barrels to be cut, not less than a million. This means the amount will not give you a lasting impact. I want to talk about whats happening with these beleaguered groups i mentioned