than one incident. she made a complaint in good faith about a series of inappropriate behaviors and unwanted advances from the ceo. she and her husband see no value in revisiting this matter now or discussing it further publicly or privately. in fact it would be painful to do so. the fact there are multiple complaints tell me it s more likely than not there was some sexual harassment activity by this man at that time. georgia businessman, he s in washington, he said nothing about the allegations that threaten his cam pin but mr. cain was in his trademark playful mood as he spoke earlier to a conversation gathering. before i get started, i want to know whose telers are these in i don t need them. several other new developments we need to share. the came campaign, threaten sue the website that first published the allegations. launching a new tv ad, blaming liberals and the news media for stirring talk of scandal and suggesting race is a factor. they can t argue with
responses about what he did, when he left bain capital, it opened up more questions. there was a press release bain put out in july 1999 where he was still listed as ceo and actually quoteded in the press release and there is the question of did mitt romney actually disagree with any of the policies that bain partners did after romney ceded day-to-day control of bain, the highlight that bain ea s investments did. is this another fumble by the romney campaign in that it seems they get tongue twisted. he obviously tried to clarify on friday and we have retiring retroactively, which put the