/PRNewswire/ Dagger, the devops platform that orchestrates the delivery of applications to the cloud, today announced the public beta of its product in.
Grafana Labs becomes the latest open source firm to change its licensing
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Grafana, Loki and Tempo move to AGPLv3 - but for once AWS is not to blame
rafana Labs becomes the latest open source firm to change its licensing. Image credit Grafana
Grafana Labs, the company set up to commercialise the Grafana analytics and visualization project has become the latest open source firm to adopt more restrictive licensing for its core products.
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Who gets credit for open source success?
Like so many winning projects, Weaveworks’ Cortex is the result of a long and winding chain of open source inspiration and innovation Credit: Dreamstime
Over 2000 years ago the Roman historian Tacitus observed that “Victory is claimed by all” or, as some translations put it, “Success has many fathers.” Open source is similar.
For example, Amazon Web Services (AWS) recently worked with Grafana Labs to build and launch a managed Prometheus service two companies joining together to deliver the open source monitoring software as a cloud service. Sounds simple, right?