A former Cheraw police officer was charged with a sex crime, the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division said. McBee resident Justin Brian McKenzie, 40, was arrested and charged Thursday with felony sexual extortion and misconduct in office, SLED said in a news release. South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster signed a law that makes sexual extortion a crime in August 2023. McKenzie was previously .
A now-former South Carolina police officer faces a felony charge after he used text messages to extort sexually explicit photos from a victim, according to warrants.
CHERAW, S.C. (QUEEN CITY NEWS) — A Chesterfield County police officer was arrested Thursday for sexual extortion, South Carolina law enforcement officials said. SLED agents say 40-year-old Justin Brian McKenzie is a former officer with the Cheraw Police Department. He reportedly who used text messages to “maliciously threaten” that he would publish sexually explicit photos […]
A former Cheraw police officer was charged Thursday with felony sexual extortion and misconduct in the office, the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division announced.