a familiar story. reporter: earlier, a 25-year- old, known as victim number 10, told jurors sandusky pinned him down in the basement and performed oral sex on him and made him reciprocate. the man testified the former coach threatened him, saying, if you tell anyone, you will never see your family again. but he said sandusky later apologized and said he loved him. all of the victims met sandusky through the charity he founded for at-risk youth. one of the victims testified he has had problems with drug abuse and has been to prison but is doing better with a baby on the way. reporter: earlier, the father of assistant coach mike mcqueary receive described a call he allegedly received from has son after witnessing a boy being abused in the shower. he said he called coach joe paterno. but the defense questioned why no one ever called 911. sandusky admits showering with boips but said boys but says he did nothing criminal. a man shot and killed a patient. adam may is
about the accusations. but tonight, the comptroller insist thee659-thousand dollar purchase was both illegal and fiscally iiresponsible. jeff abell, fox 45 news at 5:30. you can join ur paste watch. hold public officials accountable as they ssend your tax money.. go to foxbaltimore dot com and click on waste watch if you have a news tip. you can also call our hotliie. 3 pirstton fox tonight. a 1-year-old child found unconscious in her home is dead tonightt tonighht pollce say it all began with a moring the child s home on north stricker street. parammdics say whee they arrived at the upstairs appartment theyyfoond thh child unresponsive..theyy also say the child had bruises on her body. parameddcs say the mother was not home at the (mr. man) he know what happened and ttat s the bottom line. ain t nothing that, you already know what hap happened. no charges have been filee police say thee are waitinggfor the autopss report to llarn the exact aase of death. a. 22 year old. o
a bottle bomb on playground in pasadena.itthappened monday night near an elementary school.megan gilliland is here with more on he tten suspects and just how common this crime good morning paarice,this iss the playground where the 6 year old was targeted. police say the teenagers are now facing felony charres ffr thee attack. in this case. the teens used bleach. a househhld item. investigators found near the playground.it s a dangerous patack. that s happennng more and more.so far this year thereehave been six. bottle bomb cases reported.lass year. detectives investigated 21 cases. 3&p12:44:04 and the fragments o the container can cause injury.if chemicals are involved you can potentially severe and life threatening burn injuries as a rrsult of a potential prank :1714:18:47 if could happen to me or a sister - or someone else i now its pretty scary police are warning parents everywhere to keep an eye oot for this.once again. this is what a bottle bomb looks like. fortunately,
doesn t have a hand in this somewhere? he was in the race against golfer governor ehrlich. he pointed the state prosecutor. i m sure the first question he asked him how do you feel about robo calls. reporter: the state prosecutor said he never spoke with governor o malley about the case. he won criminal convictions against ehrlich s campaign manager. but there was no evidence former governor bob ehrlich knew about the robo calls. do you think ehrlich knew about this? i don t know. i m sure the state didn t want to find out whether or not he knew. why? they weren t interested now. they were saying hey, let s depo talk to the african- american people let s do them in. and that s what they did. do you think race plays a factor here. i absolutely do, slur i sure i do. how so. nobody got a search for his house came into his community and raided his house. why was that? so if that s not, you know, some part of razor something, what would you direct it as. report
fair shear and playing by the share and playing by the same rules. the president s message hit home with his audience. it s all about the future generations and putting thing ins place for our family things in place or our families and kids. four more years. that s right. four more years. what i said to him as he was leaving is please use that same speech because i ve not heard him that effectively showing the difference between the romney presidency. reporter: the money raised here will likely be spent in swing states where the race is close or too close to call. reporting live, i m pat warren, now back to you. thank you. the wife of republican candidate mitt romney is also in maryland tonight and romney is raising money for her husband at the marriott. tickets start at $1000. former governor bob riley is hosting the event. we ll continue to bring you the latest on the candidates and the issues on air and online at wjz.com. right now baltimore police are