Alain Jaspard’s novel of the same name, the story revolves around two couples who should never have met and who subsequently embark upon an unthinkable exchange which should never have taken place…
Pleurer des rivières is produced by
Frédéric Brillion and
Gilles Legrand on behalf of Epithète Films (who already teamed up with the director on
Mort aux codes) in co-production with France 2 Cinéma. Pre-purchased by OCS and Ciné+, the feature film also enjoys the support of the SOFICA companies Indéfilms, Palatine Etoile, Cofimage and La Banque Postale Image. Filming has been underway in Paris since 12 April, with Belgium’s
Alain Jaspard’s novel of the same name, the story revolves around two couples who should never have met and who subsequently embark upon an unthinkable exchange which should never have taken place…
Pleurer des rivières is produced by
Frédéric Brillion and
Gilles Legrand on behalf of Epithète Films (who already teamed up with the director on
Mort aux codes) in co-production with France 2 Cinéma. Pre-purchased by OCS and Ciné+, the feature film also enjoys the support of the SOFICA companies Indéfilms, Palatine Etoile, Cofimage and La Banque Postale Image. Filming has been underway in Paris since 12 April, with Belgium’s