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Juice names reflect the personality of Miami, with each catering to a different purpose. Goddard s personal favorite, the “Yes Juice!” is a pick-me-up made with grapefruit, orange, pineapple, lime, and celery, while the “Never Drinking Again” promises a refreshing hangover cure with pineapple and coconut water.
YesJuice will also offer cookies from Indulge MIA ($3.50), plant-based ice cream from Nabati ($6), and Jamaican patties from King Patty’s ($4). Melting Hippie Products will sell YesJuice-themed candles at the café’s shop.
“The basis of everything that I do is collaboration,” Goddard tells
New Times. “To me, it’s fun to have great ideas and make them come to life, but only if you’re doing it with other people. I couldn t have done this alone and the people that are on board with me are just the cream of the crop.”
Photo courtesy of the Chocolate Chip Bakery
The Chocolate Chip Bakery 166 NE 29th St., Miami The husband-and-wife team behind the Chocolate Chip Bakery believes everyone should be able to enjoy baked goods regardless of their dietary restrictions. That s the driving force behind their 100 percent soy-free, gluten-free, refined sugar-free, organic, vegan menu. Chocolate Chip offers breads, cookies, sandwiches, and toasts, with prices ranging from $3.50 (sweet-potato buns) to $8.95 (avocado toast). A colorful assortment of specialty iced coffees, lattes, teas, milkshakes, or smoothies ($3.50 to $9.50) pair nicely with a bite-size mini vegan breakfast sausage sandwich ($4.85) served on the aforementioned sweet-potato buns.
Open Wednesday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.