/PRNewswire/ Cinedigm has acquired all North American rights to the buzzed-about horror-comedy Onyx the Fortuitous and the Talisman of Souls. The film.
/PRNewswire/ Cinedigm, (NASDAQ: CIDM), the premier independent streaming entertainment company super-serving enthusiast audiences, announced today that the.
/PRNewswire/ Bloody Disgusting, the masterminds behind the VHS series and the release of the recent slasher hit Terrifier 2, have stumbled upon a project.
Company Expands Distribution for its Enthusiast Channels LOS ANGELES, April 11, 2023 Cinedigm (NASDAQ: CIDM), the premier independent streaming entertainment.
/PRNewswire/ Cinedigm has acquired all North American rights to the disturbing sci-fi/horror film New Religion. The film had its North American premiere.