Lets go prop b, lets go joe d. Are you ready, kids . Lets go probb, lets go joe d. Lets go prop b, lets go joe d. Thank you so much. [ applause ] all right, is there highenergy today . Fantastic. A couple of other colleagues, peers in the city family, tom, who is our Arts Commission executive director. Thank you for joining us. We have a partnership in the Arts Commission that every new building has public art. I dont know if our artist for north beach is here, bill fontana, were excited about his work and the opportunity to have beautiful art as part of the project. So bill, thank you. Also, we talked about how important access is to our neighborhood libraries and today we have our acting director in the Mayors Office of disability, carla johnson. Carla. Thank you for joining us. Thank you for being here today. [ applause ] our next supervisor who also does not need much of an introduction because he is at every single library opening. A terrific staunch supporter and advocate for Pub
Organizations. Friends of joe dimaggio, Russian River, the committee for better parks and recreation for north beach, the Community Youth center, Telegraph Hill center. Sherman elementary. The Francisco Middle School pto. States peter and paul school. John parker elementary and Garfield Elementary and thank you victoria pastry cake donated the cake and make sure you eat some cake and join us for our campaign in north beach. Thank you. [ applause ] thank you, scott. Were almost there. Oh, former commissioner lonnie chen. Thank you lonnie for being here [ applause ] were almost there. One more individual. She has already been mentioned. Its a perfect tribute, a capstone, julie christiansen. Thank you can i get my team up here . I have been fielding all the thanks, but it doesnt really belong to me. It belongs to all of these people. Who else is here from our group . Come on up. Who am i missing . The whole village, come on up. So we have a couple of city folks. Where is greg scott . Gret
Center. Sherman elementary. The Francisco Middle School pto. States peter and paul school. John parker elementary and Garfield Elementary and thank you victoria pastry cake donated the cake and make sure you eat some cake and join us for our campaign in north beach. Thank you. [ applause ] thank you, scott. Were almost there. Oh, former commissioner lonnie chen. Thank you lonnie for being here [ applause ] were almost there. One more individual. She has already been mentioned. Its a perfect tribute, a capstone, julie christiansen. Thank you can i get my team up here . I have been fielding all the thanks, but it doesnt really belong to me. It belongs to all of these people. Who else is here from our group . Come on up. Who am i missing . The whole village, come on up. So we have a couple of city folks. Where is greg scott . Gret get up here. Greg, get up here. I want to point out jill, karen. Jill is the deputy chief librarian and karen, these two women are the fairy godmothers of this