Hello! Welcome to the last official day of MaxFunDrive! If you were waiting til the last minute to become a member, boost, or upgrade to the next tier…
We’re entering the finale of the #MaxFunDrive! To celebrate, J. Keith and Helen take to Twitter Spaces for a live conversation with listeners about why membership is so important and what goes into making an episode of Go Fact Yourself.
In honor of the #MaxFunDrive, Mike Eagle returns to Tights and Fights! He’ll tell us all about the wrestling he’s seen in the years he’s been away and why he just can’t stop looking into the behind-the-scenes drama of WWE and AEW
It’s a beautiful day in the #MaxFunDrive! Get ready for the final chapter of our first-ever Go Fact Yourself Listener Tournament! Two of our listeners – Patrick Parker and Lyn Fortman – become guests on the show, playing trivia games for better or for worse!