Leaks they might have known about the collateral murder video they just see in the soldiers american soldiers killing journalists why is Julian Assange is the one who is at the old bailey being tried not all those people all around the world that whose war crimes he exposed it with the leaks to bring about china or russia or one of the official enemy is but fine but this was about us he gave us too much truth he made those who committed these 4 crimes he forced them to look in the mirror its them its you thats is unforgivable crime. But you see we dont commit these crimes we dont shoot people. In who are unarmed we dont gun them down on law. We dont do oval things that the wiki leaks. The wiki leaks video has told us plus so much else our politicians and in the present circumstances its almost a mockery to say so the politicians dont really love i mean our press tells us the truth al media by and large few things wrong with that but by log. Is a free media none of these things are true