Julia Laursen, 56, from Isle of Wight, was stunned to find note left on Skoda
Snobby anonymous resident demanded she not park her vehicle on the road
Note read: Would you mind not parking your vehicle on this road please?
It continued: It s a nice respectable road and it now looks like Beirut
She shared note on Facebook and went viral with others rallying to support her
35 candidates, including independents, LibDems and Green Party members, have called on David Pugh to answer questions about claims made in Conservative election literature
Government pledge to cut carbon emissions should include ban on all fossil fuel extraction
As well as cutting carbon emissions by 78% in the next 15 years, the Government should also ban fossil fuel extraction, including on the Isle of Wight, say the Green Party
The Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, yesterday (Tuesday) announced they would toughen its targets on greenhouse gas emissions for the next 15 years.
The Isle of Wight Green Party cautiously welcome plans to cut carbon emissions by 78% in the next 15 years, but demand that this policy immediately extends to a national moratorium on all fossil fuel extraction – including stopping oil drilling on the Isle of Wight.
What are freeports? The Solent Freeport was announced by Southampton-born Chancellor Rishi Sunak, who had championed the idea. Designed to attract major domestic and international investment, areas given freeport status are said to benefit from a wide package of tax reliefs, simplified customs procedures, streamlined planning processes to boost redevelopment and government support to promote regeneration and innovation. Freeports are a special kind of port where normal tax and customs rules do not apply. They are similar to free zones, or enterprise zones , which are designated areas subject to a broad array of special regulatory requirements, tax breaks and government support.