Amid the backdrop of the Iran-Iraq War during the 1980s, a father-daughter relationship blooms in “In the Garden of Tulips.” The short film, written by alumnus Ava Lalezarzadeh, follows Caroline (Lalezarzadeh) and her father Sharif (Iman Nazemzadeh) during their final car ride to the Iranian countryside.
Aspen Film announced the winners of the 32nd annual Shortsfest in a presentation Sunday at 39° in the W Aspen. One of four Oscar-qualifying festivals in the United States dedicated to short films, this year’s festival featured works from over 33 countries, 79 short films, and 74 premieres in 11 programs containing a variety of shorts from comedies to dramas and documentaries to animation.
San Diego filmmaker discovers passion project with boxing documentary Team Meryland
A documentary film about a young girl s quest for boxing gold in the Junior Olympics is winning awards and rave reviews at festivals around the country.
and last updated 2021-08-02 16:05:24-04
SAN DIEGO (KGTV) A Solana Beach nativeâs documentary film about a young girl s quest for boxing gold in the Junior Olympics is winning awards and rave reviews at festivals around the country.
Gabriel Gauranoâs film, âTeam Meryland,â is an immersive portrait of 12-year-old Meryland Gonzalez, a girl growing up in Los Angelesâ Watt neighborhood who is seeking greatness in the boxing ring.