judge jeanine: you heard my open. we can t let jim comey off of the hook. earlier i talked to one of my newest colleagues here at fox to talk about that and more. take a look. joining me now is former white house press secretary and brand-new fox news contributor sara huckabee sanders. welcome to justice. great to have you as part of the family. to have someone like you here is really great for not just people like me but for the audience as well. i m going to start with the whole idea of what my open was about and that is the inspector general s report, jim comey pretty much skating on that. but the inspector general made it clear that there was lying and there was leaking. and yet the media is almost dead silent about it. and bill barr could have prosecuted. juks thajuxtapose that against b mueller and the fact that mueller said there was no collusion and the media went ballistic for months. explain that.
judge jeanine: you heard my open. we can t let jim comey off of the hook. earlier i talked to one of my newest colleagues here at fox to talk about that and more. take a look. joining me now is former white house press secretary and brand-new fox news contributor sara huckabee sanders. welcome to justice. great to have you as part of the family. to have someone like you here is really great for not just people like me but for the audience as well. i m going to start with the whole idea of what my open was about and that is the inspector general s report, jim comey pretty much skating on that. but the inspector general made it clear that there was lying and there was leaking. and yet the media is almost dead silent about it. and bill barr could have prosecuted. juks thajuxtapose that against b mueller and the fact that mueller said there was no collusion and the media went
judge jeanine: you heard my open. we can t let jim comey off of the hook. earlier i talked to one of my newest colleagues here at fox to talk about that and more. take a look. joining me now is former white house press secretary and brand-new fox news contributor sara huckabee sanders. welcome to justice. great to have you as part of the family. to have someone like you here is really great for not just people like me but for the audience as well. i m going to start with the whole idea of what my open was about and that is the inspector general s report, jim comey pretty much skating on that. but the inspector general made it clear that there was lying and there was leaking. and yet the media is almost dead silent about it. and bill barr could have prosecuted. juks thajuxtapose that against b mueller and the fact that mueller said there was no collusion and the media went ballistic for months.