What makes the web series, co-directed by Tanuja Chandra, unique is that it features a cast and crew primarily comprising women, from the production designer and costume designer to the associate producer and co-producer, right to the team managing security.Writ
From the promo of ‘Hush Hush’
The show will star Juhi Chawla and Ayesha Jhulka, along with Soha Ali Khan, Karishma Tanna, Shahana Goswami and Kritika Kamra
On the occasion of International Women’s Day, Amazon Prime Video has announced its upcoming series
Hush Hush
Amazon Original Hush Hush (working title) not only tells a story with strong female protagonists, but it is also helmed by some of the finest female talent behind the camera. Tanuja Chandra (
Qarib Qarib Singlle, Dushman, Sangharsh) will serve as the Creative Director & Executive Producer and Shikhaa Sharma (
Shakuntala Devi,
Toilet – Ek Prem Katha, Sherni) will double-hat as Executive Producer and original story writer.