Karuna SharmaMar 9, 2021, 12:00 IST
On International Women s Day, Women in leadership roles shared with us how can we make our industry more gender-neutral.
The biggest task for today s marketers is to abolish gender roles and work on an honest
portrayal of women.
We reached out to a few leading women from the advertising, marketing and media industry to discuss a few stereotypes they are tired of seeing, how we can change the portrayal of women and making the industries more inclusive.The advertising industry was infamous for perpetuating gender stereotypes from a sacrificing mother to a man being the bread-earner, the portrayal of women has remained very shallow for years. How brands depict women and their role in society has evolved today, she is independent, she has a voice and is slowly learning to care less about society’s judgement, but we haven’t taken a big leap yet. She is still a woman who is ‘aesthetically pleasing,’ fair-skinned, doesn’t come from a mino