Study: Genetic data can help predict IBD risk
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Genetic data can help identify people at risk for inflammatory bowel diseases, a new study has found. Photo by Derneuemann/Pixabay
Dec. 24 (UPI) Genetic data from people of different racial and ethnic backgrounds can be used to predict a person s risk for inflammatory bowel disease, according to an analysis published Thursday in the journal Gastroenterology.
Using data from the Mount Sinai Hospital System s multi-ethnic BioMe Biobank, a storehouse of individual patient molecular and genetic profiles, the researchers developed what they call polygenic risk scores.
With these scores, they were able to accurately predict which patients would develop an IBD, the researchers said.
(December 24, 2020)
Using genetic data from nearly 30,000 people, Mount Sinai researchers have built risk scores from a combination of datasets representing distinct ancestral populations that improve prediction of risk for inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) including Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. The study was published in
Gastroenterology on December 24.
The researchers found that polygenic risk scores, built using association data from multiple populations in Mount Sinai’s multi-ethnic Bio
Me Biobank, maximized IBD predictions for every population in the biobank. Bio
Me is a system-wide effort at Mount Sinai that is revolutionizing diagnosis and classification of diseases according to the patient’s molecular profile. The study showed that risk scores calculated from integrating data significantly improved predictions among individuals with European, Ashkenazi Jewish, and Hispanic ancestry in Bio