educate their members to say this give credence to articles impeachment, harris. harris: thank you very much. we have questions on the connection between rudy giuliani, and he filled some of this in her testimony. thank you, we will come back to you as you pour through it. dan and judy sit by, the trump administration is withdrawing the u.s. from the paris deployment agreement, and another moved by president trump to dismantle barack obama s legacy. how will it impact him in 2020? let s watch this. it offers head-up display. wow, that s dialed in. i can still keep my eyes on the road. my truck doesn t have that. it offers an optional technology package with up to 15 different camera views. that s quality picture. it even offers one enhanced view that makes your trailer appear invisible - to help you see what s behind you. oh, wow! which in this case happens to be the competition - since they don t offer the same amount of cameras as the silverado. literally in the rear-view. where th
that rudy giuliani is not going to be convinced that it meant anything. it feels out of context, i want to go to you, judy, because we are just reading it as it is happening. i don t expect to hear anything that is inconsistent with what we have already heard, and that is everything that we have heard supports the testimony or the statement of the whistle-blower, and kurt volker is a very important figure in this. and i think that his naming of rudy giuliani is being effectively the shadow for administer, the shadow secretary of state. harris: this is torn from pages 226-227. there are several hundred like we said. not everybody would agree with that assessment, but some say that it really bolsters the president. it does bolster the president politically to some extent.
ukraine, and he was intending to pursue these allegations. and he was going to investigate these things. i reached out to him to brief him. a couple of key points, not credible. don t listen to what he is saying. you told rudy giuliani that the stinko is not credible? yes, i did. judy. once again, you have volker trying to walk this very fine line between what he knows is his responsibility to the united states. and what he knows rudy giuliani wants from him, and the president presumably, an investigation of the president s democratic rival. harris: i want to jump in there, because i don t hear the president s name in this paradigm very basic. so when you say that you are assuming or presumably rudy giuliani is working on behalf of the president, that s not what the deposition on the page as far into this. you have to read the whole thing, and we will.
that s not what this witness says. that s what others have said. we know that the president did have the phone conversation with president zelensky of ukraine. harris: the president released the call record. that s right, but how closely the president is tied to the events is an open investigation. harris: but such dire circumstances of impeaching the president of the united states? it is a worthy political issue, if they want to vote for or against him on this next year, that is fine with me. but impeachment is a entirely different scale. it is a crime. harris: i know you do, we will get back to that in a moment. judy and dan, senior capitol hill producer, chad, you when i did this very yesterday i met yesterday with the transcripts, hundreds of pages, and i know that you are pouring through this. it is coming in on my phone as we speak, but it is what it will be like on capitol hill the