The U.S. Small Business Administration this week announced the 2022 Small Business Persons of the Year winners. Iowa’s 2022 SBA Small Business Person of t
It is time to take toxic heat out of politics
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January 21, 2021 10.30pm
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Credit:Illustration : Cathy Wilcox
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It is time to take toxic heat out of politics
Now that Donald Trump has left the building, albeit reluctantly and doing his best to burn it down on the way out, perhaps we can stop talking in terms of the left and right sides of politics and agendas. Instead, how about thinking in terms of values – i.e. what do we value and what values do we want to espouse. Perhaps then we can expose these frauds, grifters and charletons such as Trump for who and what they are, make meaningful changes for the betterment of all, and take some of the toxic heat (and people) out of politics.