The 23-member committee cast 21 votes in favor of the bill’s passage, and more than half requested that they be added to the bill as co-sponsors. There were no votes in its opposition.
The House Judiciary Committee voted Wednesday evening to pass a hard-fought bill to remove the statute of limitations to file lawsuits against child sex abusers. The proposed legislation could hit the floor of the Maryland House of Delegates for debate as early as Thursday morning.
Under legislation proposed in the Maryland House, people couldn’t get a gun permit if they're on supervised probation after being convicted of a crime with a penalty of more than a year in prison, if they're caught driving while impaired or under the influence, or if they violate a protective order.
Under legislation proposed in the Maryland House, people couldn’t get a gun permit if they're on supervised probation after being convicted of a crime with a penalty of more than a year in prison, if they're caught driving while impaired or under the influence, or if they violate a protective order.
Maryland's governor race attracted the most attention, but all 188 seats in the General Assembly also are up for grabs this year. Here’s a district-by-district look at where things stood Thursday.