U.S. District Judge David Dugan dismissed another deceptive labeling lawsuit filed by New York attorney Spencer Sheehan against AriZona Beverages, finding the consumer knew of the tea’s nutritional facts despite its “Lite” labeling but still chose to continue purchasing the beverage.
EAST ST. LOUIS - U.S. District Judge David Dugan rejected a report by Cahokia Heights on progress toward a consent decree for better sewers and decided to measure it for himself.
EAST ST. LOUIS - Cahokia Heights claims residents suing for better sewers filled a brief about a possible consent decree with inaccuracies, misstatements, and misrepresentations.
EAST ST. LOUIS - Neither Cahokia Heights nor environmental regulators will expand the capacity of the city’s sewers and nothing less will work, according to residents pressing U. S. District Judge David Dugan for action.
EAST ST. LOUIS - Route 13 Diner owner Jimmy Johnson owes more than $3,000 to former cook Dorrine Douglas and more than $7,000 to her lawyer Nathan Volheim of Lombard, U.S. District Judge David Dugan ruled on Feb. 6.