The wealthy residents of Savannah Georgia are involved in a true to life Greek Tragedy. In season eight of Perry’s serialized drama, Judge Cryer and his rich friends are all finding out what happens when personal flaws go unchecked. OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network announced today that it will premiere the final episodes of its long running series, “The Haves and the Have Nots,” on Tuesday, June 1 at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT. The
Tyler Perry drama which chronicles the scandalous lives of the Cryer, Harrington and Young families living in Savannah, Georgia, will conclude after eight seasons and 196 episodes.
In this final season viewers will see the wealthy residents of Savannah, Georgia involved in a true-to-life Greek tragedy as Judge Jim Cryer (John Schneider) and his rich friends are all finding out what happens when personal flaws go unchecked. Karma has not been kind to the elite one percenters. The series stars