This is thE ingraham anglE. Thank you, as always For joining us tonight. Ght,is. ThE SEcrEt SErvicE is not conFidEnt it can protEctE ar trump wE arE not capitalizing s. A crisi wE arE showing thE math. WE havE FinitE rEsourcEs schoo showing thE math. Plus, a Cnn REportElEr by AEo Trump SupportEr can aFFord to votg soE. NEy an yourE not hurting so bad, right . BEcausE a votE plus a lot and its a lot oF upkEEp. Nobody gavE mE. I EarnEdE EvErything that ivE got. That Trump VotEr joins us innt . MomEnts. And whos rEally running i . VErnmEnt i likE to turn it ovEr to jill and For any CommEnt Sh E has and its all Yours, kid. E ul whErEs thE visiting angEl . But First, thE ultimatnsult,E. Thats thE Focus oF Tonights AnglE G. Bor dE givEn thE FailurEs oF kamaa harris Economic bordEr rEcord, hEr PrEss TEam is lEFt with rEcyclEd linEs From 2016 and 2020. Donaly God Trump is vEry goot insulting pEoplE. Donald trump sticks to th EthE rE samE old tirEd playbook oF insultsal. But thE rEal insults co
And welcome to hannItYIt and big news from new York CItY. The sentencing of trumpf s bogs socalled hush moneY case, which was perfectlY legas Perfln Nda put together bY a lawYer labeled as a Business Expense a Misdemeanor Statute of limItations expired. Oh, that case that should be vacated because of the supreme court immunItY ruling. use ofwell, at least Its been delaYed until after the election. Well get reactionon. Harbor will react to this as a big polItical win for Donald Trump. Plus, the ap, a. K. A. Nald. The associated pravda. Well, theY might as well be on the paYroll of the Harris Campaign. Were going to show You their latest Fake Smear against j. D. Vance. Just a moment. But first, The One And OnlY debate scheduled betweenanY. Trump and Kamala Harris is on tuesdaY. Itl be in philadelphia. David muir, linseY davis. TheY will moderate the debatdavd for abc. Now, keep in mind, this is Awor Network that detests donaldr an trump. We have shown You that over and over againd. It is
RiRisk Of deatath or Serioious Allelergic reactctions can O Oc telL Your R Doctor if f yoyou a May Becomeme pregnant T Dodon suddenly a ascii rheumumatologi, fourur rings. O okay and Tatake Back K Wh Yoururs Cocould Help Y you Save Memeet free momonday to all Sun So M many Ways T to sasave life ready, w while What T thats 36 by whohole foods mararket, Wha Ththe Greatestst inventionon of titime . New hahandsfree s skec slipinsns. You justst slip in there e on its likike they hava ininvisible Bubuiltin Shohoe H so your fofoot slides s into pl so Thahat Bending G down or touchihing your shshoes, then L Pillow T Technology Y keeps you Foot C Coffee and d secure Handssfree Sketctch your slippers. This ththis is what w we fin quesestion, stududent Body M Ma prproficiency,y, whahat do you itits gogood, Fair Undnderstoo Excusese me holmes. Comom in a Basebaball Season N full of surprises. S. Iveve never Seeee Anythihing like Mlb B Tuesday O Ththe yes. I is breakingng down playay years in N Tea
Judge janIne, and greg gutfeld, Its 5 00 In new York CIty, and thIs Is The FIve. Mark zuckerberg Is comIngg clean Oncl Joan collIns answer censorshIp regIme. A damnIng letter to congress on how he caved to WhIte House demands to sensor the Freeto Speech of mIllIons of AmerIcanss Zuckerberg explaInIng back In 2021 facebook folded, gIvIng Into pressure from the bIdentIon HarrIs AdmInIstratIon to take down CovId19 Content durIng the pandemIc. IncludIng posts wIth humour and satIre, and the whIte House Goth angry,um expressIng SIgnIfIcanth FrustratIon when thee company dIdnt meet theIr demands. Whe zuckerberg now feelIng shame about hIs role In the censorshIp, sayIng thIs I belIeve the Government Pressure waors wrong, andsh I regret we I not more outspoken about It. Ou mark also cops to electIon Interference, CensorIng The Bombshell new York Post Hunter BIden Laptop story by demotIng. F the fbI, I thInk basIcally came to us, some folks on our team, were lIke, okay, just so you know, you sh
Matthew miller said in a statement an lack of due process. Oh, my god, many ways theyys t are talking about what they are doing to trump. But biden regime, the Democrat Party i ds doing to trump, but this is worse, Donald Trumpng faces with the Manhattan District Attorne my democrat, left wing, soros, prosecutor, up to 136 years i in prison. Pr on bogus charges, up to 1 36more years, that is more than 30 navalny faces. On federal cases bidenistr administration, we have 32 counts for willful retention of national secrets. 6 for obstruction of justice, two for false statements, that amounts to, another 45 0 years. Maximum. Charged in thee socalled january 6, 2020, election matter. And one for conspiracyon against the right to vote, an old klan act, that is 10 years, and defrauding u. S. Is 5 years. Donald trump facing, 641 years in prison. A da, Radical Democrat has not come forward with her supposed mo b charge. Ot rico sheti is plotting we understand. I wanthis you tong about it putin