go if we re going to talk about bad comments, let s go back to what these ladies have said. omar talked about introducing legislation with bds, which hurts palestinians. she doesn t care about that. we re going to talk about bad rhetoric, it s let s juan: is there a chance that trump prefers having these four as targets dana: right now, the house of representatives is just picking up debating right now the impeachment. i think that will probably go down. i think they ll bring it up over and over again. the president is speaking to reporters and we ll have that in just a moment for you because he has some new things to say. you can say i said at this time other day. i wouldn t have said that. i can see how people think it was the wrong thing to do. i also think with the resolution, whatever you want to
they don t want the care. we can t do anything to representedter care. unless we do something to land the act that is the current law dana: state or federal law? i believe it s a federal decision. it has to be sort of modified. somebody included a broader definition that includes the inability to care for your nutrition or medical needs. right now, most this is the dirty secret. most of them don t want the help, don t want the housing. it s because of the brain condition. imagine if they were demended patients walking around saying this, people would be incensed. juan: if it s a problem as you describe it, wouldn t the compassionate thing to say we have to help. instead, what it looks like, oh, you know what? rats. help. let s attack a population i beg your pardon. juan: secondly, let s cite
are not fixing problems. they got in there, had the opportunity to fix the crisis at the border. send millions of dollars to these young kids in these detention centers. they voted no to fund those juan: i think they voted yes. jesse: the four of them voted no, to send money juan: the four that s not the democrats. the democrats jesse: i m talking about the squad and so is he. dana: what is the question? juan: one of the questions that was repeatedly asked dana: like the american carnage speech. he said america is the laughingstock of the world. juan: he was so harsh about healthcare and the economy. dana: and he s trying to make the case that he s fixing those things or on their way to being fix. juan: healthcare. dana: he says make america great is transitioning to keep american great.
this is the biggest story you ve ever heard in your life. it s a tweet. by the way, who did it upset? jesse: you talk to people greg: i m the man of the people. and then you have al green pushing impeachment for his tweet. that would matter maybe if he wasn t pushing impeachment every day. he pushes it every day. dana: even nancy pelosi saying she will vote against al green. that s why i say there s divisions in the democratic party. juan: so jesse, is the president though aware that you got, you know republicans who voted for the resolution greg was referring to which found the president s tweet was deeply offensive and condemned as racist so you had will heard of texas, fred upton of michigan and justin amash saying yes. jesse: do i think trump is
california how many must die? how many juan: not only concerned about people but concerned about the exterminators killing pets, killing the wildlife they are, absolutely. juan: when you focus on rats, you create here s what s going to happen. if the nonprofessionals put poisons out and killed the wildlife and the pets. katie: what is more important jesse: people? we must listen to experts and must make changes. greg: i came up with a suggestion. i thought donald trump could declare a national emergency and form a task information, put you in charge or part put juan in charge. juan: should be a nonpolitical group of experts to tackle this problem. the governor put together 16 experts. all the politicses have created this problem. they don t know dana: there s needs to be a surge. a guy that runs the l.a.