Juan Diego Rodriguez explains why media queries still occupy a vital role in responsive layouts; only they are now one tool in a larger toolbox with modern techniques that are best when used together.
Free-tier pricing is a common marketing strategy. “Free” gets people in the door and allows them to settle in and see how things work. But, as Juan Diego Rodriguez explains, the practice of free tiers is often conflated with free trials . And while the distinction may be nuanced, the consequences of sunsetting free-tier pricing may be huge.
An overwhelming number of frameworks and tooling available today gives the impression that web development has gotten perhaps too complex. Juan Diego Rodríguez explores if web development really is that complex and, most importantly, how we can prevent it from getting even more difficult than we already perceive it to be.
JavaScript may be the most popular client-side language in the world, but it’s far from perfect and not without its quirks. Juan Diego Rodriguez examines several “absurd” JavaScript eccentricities and explains how they made it into the language as well as how to avoid them in your own code.
Discussing the decisions surrounding JavaScript prototypes, the article by Juan Diego Rodriguez scrutinizes their origin, examines missteps in the design, and explores how these factors have affected the way we write JavaScript today.