russians are putting out that is that is for you to do what the russian government is putting out. and i don t mean what are this supposed to be? so if you re on russia s side now an earlier age, this is the point where matley would have vaulted the podiummhe and punch ned price right t in the face. there was a time in this country when calling a man disloyal was a grave a and serious charge. you could notha let that stand. that s not true anymore. we re so used to it nowon we hear it constantly on wednesday, two days agori during a closed door briefing in congressngre in russia, jim cooper of tennessee, a democrat, asked anen intelligence referred to find out if this show is tied to russia. we re not tied to russia, of course, is a cable television program. we re not a diplomaticion missis jim cooper, needless t to say, knows that . but that s not the point. the point is we ve criticized the biden administration s ukraineze policy. so in retaliation for that , jim cooper has askedco t
destroying the second amendment the democrats alliance with big tech is about destroying the first amendment and my basic argument here, tucker , is look, iff the democrats are going toe ignore the heavily armed drug cartels on our southern border but use the atf to go after lawi abiding citizens, why don t we just get rid of the atf? well, that is such a great point. i mean, there s a narco state right across the border from texas, arizona, new mexico and californiaia. i mean b, the biggest narco stae in the hemisphere, heavily armed. no one s doing anythingpher abot it athe all.f but they re mad because you ve got a 12 gauge in your i mean, why do we have an atf? that s a great question. and you know, i m running in the senate againstem this fraud of a democrat, tim ryan. and you lookok at a this guy he portrays himself as a working class democrat. but at the end of the day, he s gone along with the inflation policies that destroy the dollar. he s gone along with the ship
next time. i m just saying how do you have a show and you re this ignorant ? how is that ? here s what i know for a fact is that your client is not thriving and for you to look at me in the eye and say she wants to perform in strip clubs, people throwing stufflt at her s insulting to our people. don t do that unless they have no choice and she just likes it. is that what you re saying, tucker ? now you rere a defender of my client. anything about your you don t even know not for us to judge. it s for a federal grand jury in new york to judge todayra that federal grand jurynd convicted the creepy lawyer ofgg wire fraud and aggravated identity theft for stealing more than three hundred thousande from yes, stormy daniels who was yes, working in a seedy, strip. i hate to brag, but it was obvious at the time where are we telling you this ? not for purposes of self aggrandizement. just to make the point once again they re lying to young for sure. so the bush administration has somehow nearly
i just delivered it to no, you made a series of allegations. one correction alex jones lies far less and is far more credible than the prices. but you see the point net price lost that exchange. he claimed to have information that he did not have and matt c lee persistently called him out on it. so net prices ran out of both..s the barrel was empty. so what he knew then what his net price do then you p know the answer. ned price did what they all do when they re cornered. he went a a right to the lowest personal attack. he didn t call matt racist. he s probably savingac that for next week. but he did suggestro that matt lee is more sympathetic to russia than he is to his own country, united states. he put that matt lee is a shill for vladimir putin. watch. if you doubt the the credibility of the u.s. government, of the british government, of other governments and one of, you know, find solaceeti and informationon that the
underwrite and to our wayde of lifeur and a way of life for freedom loving democracies around the world, freedom loving democracies around the world. these are people who sit s in committee meetings often with closed doors. what are they doing while they re apparently sick in the intel agencies and anyone who criticizes them? but are they getting unfiltered information from unf those intel agencies or are they making wise decisions on the basis of ititt?? do they have any idea what they re talking about, including the man you just saw? no, of course not. they cloak their ignorance in the usual cliches , freedom loving democracies like ukraine. but the truth is their interests, their beliefs are so farir out of alignment with the interests and beliefs of the average person in this country, including our own voters that once that is exposed to light, they re in trouble. last point, this is only happening because there is no credible opposition to it