4:30 p.m. â Waterloo Plan Commission, Waterloo Town Hall, 280 S. Wayne St.
6:30 p.m. â Hamilton Community Schools board public session, 903 S. Wayne St.
6:30 p.m. â Butler Board of Works, City Hall, 215 S. Broadway.
7 p.m. â Butler City Council, City Hall, 215 S. Broadway.
8:30 a.m. â Garrett Board of Public Works and Safety, Garrett City Hall, 130 S. Randolph St.
6 p.m. â Auburn Common Council, council chambers, City Hall, 206 E. 9th St.
6 p.m. DeKalb Central school board, DeKalb High School cafeteria, C.R. 427, Waterloo; enter in door 24. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the public is invited to attend virtually at https://vimeo.com/event/39207. The agenda includes: 2021 summer school plans; Come Back Stronger grant acceptance; Chromebook bid award; and J.R. Watson Elementary School courtyard. A closed executive session to discuss personnel and safety will take place after the regular meeting.