your majesty, as children of the kingdom of god, we welcome you in the name of the king of kings. in his name, and after his example, i come not to be served but to serve . the grace of our lord jesus christ, the love of god, and the fellowship of the holy spirit be with you. and with thy spirit. alleluia. christ is risen. he is risen indeed. alleluia . dearly beloved, we are gathered to offer worship and praise to almighty god to celebrate the life of our nations, to pray for charles, our king, to recognize and to give thanks for his life of service to this nation, to the realms and the commonwealth, and to witness with joy his crowning and anointing, as he is set apart and consecrated for the service of his people. let us dedicate ourselves alike, in body, mind, and spirit, to a renewed faith, a joyful hope, and a commitment to serve one another in love. [ singing in a non-english language ] [ singing in a non-english language ] [ singing i
records of falsifying business records. i never thought anything like this could happen in america. virtually everybody that has looked at this case including rhinos and hardcore democrats say there is no crime and that it should never have been brought, everybody said this. it is not really an indictment, there is nothing here. my lawyers came to me and said there is nothing here they re not even saying what you did. a number of legal analysts questioning the foundations of the case against trump calling it weak and a overreach. they point out that the indictment is facing a key requirement, that would be the crime that would make it a felony. some in the media think the case will struggle to hold up. what is the crime that prosecutors are alleging es escalating this to a crime? if this is the only pebble being thrown at donald trump, it is very small. where is the beef? i talked to a lot of lawyers, none of them lawyers or trump supporters, and they said it is a l
the us is post slavery, post segregation, but definitely not post racism. my guest is ibram x kendi, an influential writer and academic who argues the only way to not be racist is to be actively anti racist a message he says children must hear. is his approach bound to intensify america s internal conflict? ibram x kendi, welcome to hardtalk. thank you for having me on. it s a pleasure to have you here. your focus right now seems to be on children, and your contention that children, very young children even, should be told about racism, even if it s not a daily reality that they are actually living with. why? because unfortunately, studies are showing that it is a daily reality that they re living with. one study found that kids as early as three years old have what one scholar called an adult like concept of race . they re already attaching skin colour to behaviours like who s smart, who s clean, and even who s honest. and so, if we re not teaching children to not connect
an influential writer and academic who argues the only way to not be racist is to be actively anti racist a message he says children must hear. is his approach bound to intensify america s internal conflict? ibram x kendi, welcome to hardtalk. thank you for having me on. it s a pleasure to have you here. your focus right now seems to be on children, and your contention that children, very young children even, should be told about racism, even if it s not a daily reality that they are actually living with. why? because unfortunately, studies are showing that it is a daily reality that they re living with. one study found that kids as early as three years old have what one scholar called an adult like concept of race . they re already attaching skin colour to behaviours like who s smart, who s clean, and even who s honest. and so, if we re not teaching children to not connect skin colour to behaviour, to recognise that, you know, someone s skin colour is not a reflection of
their intentions to run. those are the headlines. now on bbc news, it s hardtalk. welcome to hardtalk, i m stephen sackur. the fractures in american society are widening over guns, abortion, education, and more. but the deepest, most traumatic fracture is surely over race and it impacts all of the others. the us is post slavery, post segregation, but definitely not post racism. my guest is ibram x kendi, an influential writer and academic who argues the only way to not be racist is to be actively anti racist a message he says children must hear. is his approach bound to intensify america s internal conflict? ibram x kendi, welcome to hardtalk. thank you for having me on. it s a pleasure to have you here. your focus right now seems to be on children, and your contention that children, very young children even, should be told about racism, even if it s not a daily reality that they are actually living with. why? because unfortunately, studies are showing that it is a daily