West Bengal minister Jyoti Priya Mallick has been grilled by the Enforcement Directorate in connection with an alleged ration distribution scam. He had been admitted to hospital after falling in court on the day of his arrest. Mallick is accused of involvement in the scam, which saw rice and wheat intended for ration distributors sold on the open market. Businessman Bakibur Rahaman has already been arrested in relation to the case. | Latest News India
Lhonak Lake is one of the largest and fastest growing proglacial lakes in Sikkim and is among the 11 large glacial lakes monitored by the Central Water Commission | Latest News India
A flash flood, triggered by an outburst of a glacial lake, had barrelled through the Teesta river with huge volumes of water and debris, gobbling up everything in its path | Latest News India
Lachen is the base for tourists going to Gurudongmar Lake, a high-altitude lake situated at an altitude of 17,000 feet while Lachung is the stopover for tourists heading to Yumthang valley | Latest News India