Opinion/Letters: Defending clean energy; keep the pipeline open; dangerous partisan divide The Providence Journal
Renewable energy is the future
Like clockwork, whenever a proposal is made to reduce pollution, Michael Stenhouse writes to tell us that clean economy initiatives are too costly. This time, Mr. Stenhouse is targeting a regional plan to reduce transportation emissions ( Conservative group criticizes transportation climate plan, News, Jan. 27).
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While the merits of Mr. Stenhouse s assertion could be debated, that would be a waste of time. It wouldn t matter a whit what Mr. Stenhouse or climate-control advocates would say about their positions. That s because this debate is settled. American industries are going all in for a clean economy. Auto manufacturers are introducing scores of electric models. Shell Oil has just announced that it will build thousands of electric charging stations, and land and off-shore wind farms are spro
The Providence Journal
Aid bill will benefit special interests, not taxpayers
The $900-billion bill for aid is the same bill from August. The spending bill of $1.4 trillion was written and promoted by paid lobbyists.
Our congressmen did NOT write the bill. Special interests did.
There are millions and millions of taxpayer dollars going abroad. Why? This country is in a crisis. Why are we spending tax dollars on inconsequential programs abroad? Our road and highway systems are deplorable. Our schools and hospitals across the country need major improvement and rebuilding.
This enormous package in the amount of $2.3 trillion was promoted by Ms. Pelosi and approved by Mr. McConnell.