With the last remnants of spending restraint fading fast inCongress, fiscal discipline will be restored only if the WhiteHouse declares a defined limit on government spending for the nextfiscal year. The President should make it clear that he willexercise his veto authority.
To ensure that the U.S. maintains its leadership position as thespecter haunting a stagnant Europe, Congress should this year enacta significant tax relief of the type and magnitude recommended bythe President.
Shortly after taking office President Obama announced his intention to develop federal policies to induce states and local communities to embrace "smart growth" land use strategies that would deter growth, crowd development, and discourage automobile use.[1]
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Today, Senator Tom
Coburn (R-OK) will offer an amendment to the Senate s appropriation
bill to transfer the $223 million that Congress had previously
approved for a bridge in Ketchikan, Alaska, to fund reconstruction
of a hurricane-damaged bridge in Louisiana. Dubbed the Bridge to
Nowhere, the bridge in Alaska would connect the town of Ketchikan
(population 8,900) with its airport on the Island of Gravina
(population 50) at a cost to federal taxpayers of $320 million, by
way of three separate earmarks in the recent highway bill. At
present, a ferry service runs to the island, but some in the town
complain about its wait (15 to 30 minutes) and fee ($6 per car).