‘Rubin never lost a case’ – Rubin Kanowitz, 1931-2021
By John Catalinotto posted on February 26, 2021
Some younger Workers World Party members met Rubin Kanowitz for the first time when he was a communist elder, still confronting cops on recent demonstrations chanting, “Black Lives Matter.” Older ones knew him from when he first joined the party in 1965. All grieved as they learned he died this Jan. 26 at the age of 89.
New York, March 24,2012 Credit: Brenda Ryan
We knew this bad news was likely once we heard that Rubin and his spouse Joyce Kanowitz, also a party member for 56 years, were hospitalized after testing positive for COVID-19. Joyce survived. Rubin returned to his home and died with loved ones present, within restrictions the pandemic has imposed.
We are sad to have to announce that Rubin Kanowitz, a member of Workers World Party who had been continuously active since 1965, died at home on Jan. 20 from complications of COVID-19. Rubin and his friends grew up hanging around candy stores in East New York in the 1930s…