in chicago, thirty three were gunned down, five of those died in laguna woods, california, chinese immigrant from las vegas walked into a presbyterian church and shot six elderly taiwanese parishioners. police say he was motivated by some kind of political and ethnic hatred. and of course, most famously of all, on saturday afternoon a teenager in a mock military uniform walked into a grocery store in buffalo and shot more than a dozen strangers with a rifle. no doubt you ve seen accounts of this on the news which you probably haven t seen details w about any of the 10 americans who were murdered in that store in buffalo. you may not even know their names, much less who they were or who they loved. most of them were black. we know that . but beyond the way they look, not a lot has been reported about them because the coverage hasn t beenth about them nor in fact has it really been about the gunman. unhe was an 18 year old called paten gendron.le gendron was mentally illd peyto
they ve been lied to,av tucker . they ve been lied to by big media, big abortion and plannedd parenthood who tell them these things are lies. and so i m really glad you re covering this and i m really grateful forov diverse pro-life movement who is continuing to push back on all these lies?ucks well, it s just interesting that we see this in terms of religious faith and i think that there s a component of this that involves religiousre faith. but i mean, you rey the treasury secretary of the united states say the other dayay abortion is essential for the economy because if women choose- to have families to do the thing that brings people the deepest joy haveve t their own children, they re detracting from the big companies they shouldyb be dutifully slaving away fores is maybe that s the reason that big companies support one side in this debate. yeah, i just saw starbucks is also saying that they re going to pay for people to gois get abortions. well, isn t that convenient when big c