and it s a trial for a lot of people as individuals. i wrote that column because i had been at the grocery store doing some pre-christmas shopping, picking up things, and it took me about a half hour longer than it should have because people who watch this show and others kept coming up to me and just feeling the sort of anxiety and fear and at times despair at what was going on. in the middle of last week, it was just crazy to a nation that is used to crazy by now. we ve gone through a couple of years of this. and it you had just got ton that point. and i think, yes, we have to we have to remember that joy cometh in the morning and it is
with us for these many years. send the comforter that they might be reminded that joy cometh in the morning. now as we go forward, let us remember thy humble servant with gladness and cheerfulness. to answer his call to summon the better angels of our nature, to see and appreciate the humanity in our opponents, to more freely forgive so that we might be forgiven. of course thee pray in the name of jesus christ, amen. please stand. we have thanked god for the blessing that john mccain is, continues to be for us.
that they might be reminded that joy cometh in the morning. now as we go forward, let us remember thy humble servant with gladness and cheerfulness, to answer his call, to summon the better angel of our nature, to see and appreciate the humanity in our opponents, to more freely forgive so that we might be forgiven. of this we pray in the name of jesus christ. amen. amen. please stand. we have thanked god for the blessing that john mccain is, continues to be for us. let us go now from this place in
they rock, with each step of their well worn shoes. that s the debt in a i and the millions of americans owe those maids, laborers, porters, secretaries. folks who could have run a company maybe if they ever had a chance. those white students who put themselves in harm s way, even though they didn t have to. those japanese americans who were called their own internment, those jewish-americans who had survived the holocaust, people who could have given up and given in, but kept on keeping on. knowing that we may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. how can what happened 50 years ago, shape what happens now. we ll talk about the new frontier of civil rights with a special panel, including the widow of maker evers who talked
georgia. given in, but kept on keeping on. let freedom ring from lookout knowing that we may endure for a mountain of tennessee. night, but joy cometh in the morning. how can what happened 50 let freedom ring from every hill years ago, shape what happens and mole hill of mississippi, now. we ll talk about the new from every mountainside. frontier of civil rights with a special panel, including the let freedom ring. widow of maker evers who talked on monday about the ways in which her generation has failed to carry that day forward. when we allow freedom to ring, to guard their manhood with new depend shields and guards. when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from the discreet protection that s just for guys. now, it s your turn. every state and every city, we get my training tips at will be able to speed up that day when all of god s children, black men and white men, jews i don without goingcisions to angie s list first. with angie s list, i kn